The Rewarding Cycle of Diverse Hard Work

We often hear that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard, but hard work is not just about toiling away at your job. The effort we pour into our lives outside of work—be it leisure, relationships, or personal goals—shapes the value, meaning, and energy we bring to all of our daily experiences. Energy is not a zero sum game and ignoring parts of our personal lives that give us energy will only reduce the focus we can bring to our work.


Investing in Joy and Connections

The most memorable moments often come from the times when we're not afraid to work hard at having fun. Planning that perfect trip, nurturing relationships with friends and family, and committing to a fitness regimen are endeavors that require effort. These areas grow more precious and fulfilling through our dedicated effort. All of the things we care most about in life are the things we have worked hard at.


The Energy Flywheel

Consider energy as a self-sustaining flywheel, powered by the vigor we put into diverse facets of our life. This energy isn't finite; it multiplies and spills over into all our pursuits. Enthusiasm for a meticulously planned vacation or the adrenaline from training for a race doesn't just stay compartmentalized in those activities—it overflows, invigorating our work life as well.


Balancing Focus and Flexibility

It's natural to occasionally skew the balance of our lives, diving deep into work projects or personal goals. Some imbalance should not insight fear. Temporary imbalances often reflect our passion and commitment. The trick lies in not letting one area consume us to the point where other aspects suffer in a way that reduces overall effectiveness. It's about harmonizing intensity with flexibility.


Efficiency Through Intensity

Ironically, hard work can also mean doing as little as necessary—not in terms of effort, but in time spent. By channeling intense focus and energy into our tasks, we become more efficient, whether it's at work or while pursuing personal interests. This efficiency allows us to accomplish more with less, making the most of our time across all life's domains.

In essence, the pursuit of a well-rounded life commands hard work in all its hues. It's about caring deeply, engaging fully, and striking that dynamic balance that keeps the wheel of energy spinning, enriching every part of our lives with vibrancy and fulfillment.


Wheel of Life Exercise

Over a decade ago Hal Elrod released a book named, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). In the book he provides a link to additional material including the Wheel of Life Exercise. In the exercise we imagine our level 10 life in each of the follow categories: Family & Friends, Personal Growth & Development, Spirituality, Finances, Career/Business, Significant Other/Romance, Fun & Recreation, Contribution/Giving, Health/Fitness, and Physical Environment. We then rate our current life and commit to new habits we will start to move towards a level 10 in each category.


The exercise has been found by many to reveal parts of their life that they have been neglecting. The exciting outcome of improving the parts of our lives that are off track is that we see benefits in energy in focus across all categories when we make improvements in one of the categories. The energy fly wheel spins faster and we move closer to waking up every day excited and invigorated for everything we need to do.